Summary Type

Summarized Field Sample Results have different types to indicate the purpose and/or location where the sample is collected:


AVGT — Average Turbidity generally collected at the Combined Filter Effluent (CFT)

MAXT — Maximum Turbidity of a single sample generally collected at the Combined Filter Effluent (CFT)

95PT —  Turbidity Level of 95% of Samples generally collected at the Combined Filter Effluent (CFT)

IFT — Individual Filter Effluent Turbidity

EPRD — Entry Point Residual Disinfectant Concentration (RDC)

SERD — State Entry Point Residual Disinfectant Concentration (RDC)

CLO2 — Entry Point Chlorine Dioxide

CLO3 — Entry Point Chlorite

DSRD — Distribution Residual Disinfectant Concentration (RDC)

SDRD — State Distribution Residual Disinfectant Concentration (RDC)

MRDL — Chlorine/Chloramine Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level (MRDL)

OTHR — Other