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Monitoring Schedules (new format)

Water System No. : CA1910045 Federal Type : C
Principal County Served : LOS ANGELES Primary Source : SW
Status : A Activity Date : 01-01-1976
Distribution System Classification : D4 Max Treatment Plant Classification : T5

NOTICE TO USERS OF THE DATABASE: Users of this database should use care in interpreting these data. Data that does not meet Division of Drinking Water (DDW) data quality objectives is not included and the provided data may not be representative of water served by a water system. For example, the presence of a contaminant in a particular source of water at a given concentration does not necessarily mean that the water from that source was served by the water system to its customers, or, if served, that the contaminant was present at that concentration. Water systems may not use certain sources or may treat or blend them prior to serving the water to customers.

Questions about contaminants in particular sources are best addressed by the specific public water system, or by the associated DDW district office.

The Division of Drinking Water's (DDW's) drinking water quality monitoring schedules identify upcoming required testing of drinking water for water systems in California. These documents should not be used for determining whether water systems are in compliance with monitoring requirements. The purpose for providing these monitoring schedules is to allow water systems to verify that their sampling and analyses have been incorporated into the DDW database and to identify upcoming required monitoring/sampling events.

Notes for Water Systems:
1. The monitoring notification documents should be considered "draft," in that they will change with subsequent updates, and as monitoring data are submitted, or as monitoring schedules are revised .
2. The monitoring notification documents are derived from the DDW Water Quality database and from schedules maintained by DDW districts.
3. If your upcoming monitoring or your data identified as "DUE" are not in agreement with this document, or if your have been advised of any increased monitoring that is not reflected in the report for a particular source, please contact your District Engineer or LPA representative. For a map of the districts, please click here.
4. If your notification report for a source is blank, this does not necessarily indicate compliance with all monitoring requirements.
5. These notification reports may not reflect compliance with initial monitoring for newly regulated constituents, or constituents that require special monitoring frequencies. For example, the DDW database is unable to accurately forecast the vulnerable non-volatile synthetic organic chemical (SOC) frequency for large water systems serving over 3,300 people of 2 quarters every 3 years.
5a. For radionuclide compliance monitoring, a gross alpha (GA) particle activity measurement may be substituted for other measurements when the assigned value is less than 5 pCi/L. The assigned value is calculated by adding 0.84 of the counting error (CE) to the gross alpha result (GA + 0.84xCE). If the assigned value is greater than 5 pCi/L, then the water sample must be analyzed for uranium per Section 64442, Article 5, Chapter 15, Division 4, Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. In addition, if the difference between the assigned value and the uranium measurement [GA + (0.84 x CE) - U] is greater than 5 pCi/L, analysis for Radium-226 and Radium-228 is required. If you have specific questions, contact your DDW District Office.
6. Some Nitrate (as N) results under storet code 00618, will have a result of �N/A� which stands for �Not Applicable.� This stems from the change in regulation requiring that all nitrate sampling be reported as Nitrate (as N) starting January 1, 2016. Prior nitrate sampling was reported as Nitrate (as NO3). With this change in nitrate reporting requirements, the monitoring schedules have captured the last date of Nitrate (as NO3) sampling and applied it to Nitrate (as N) in determining the next due date [unless there have been Nitrate (as N) samples collected]. The Nitrate (as NO3) result, however, does not carry over to Nitrate (as N) which is why there may be a notation in the �Constituent Identification� column to reference storet code 71850 for the last nitrate result. In these instances, the �Constituent Identification� column will say, �NITRATE (as N) � [see 71850].� Any questions should be referred to your District Engineer.  
Test Legends:
  • PS Code = Primary Station Code; used by laboratories to upload water quality data
  • Old PS Code = (Water System Number)-(Sample Point ID)
  • New PS Code = (Water System Number)_(Facility ID)_(Sampling Point ID) to be used by laboratories to upload water quality data when CLIP (California Laboratory Intake Portal) is implemented
  • Facility Status: A = Active; P = Proposed
  • Certain PS Codes have been removed from this table as they are not intended to have water quality data electronically reported. As an example, a water system may have a PS Code to represent Well 01 and another PS Code to represent Well 01 Chlorination. However, water quality data should only be reported to the PS Code for Well 01. The PS Code for Well 01 Chlorination would be removed from the list to avoid confusion in uploading data. If you notice that a PS Code is missing from the list that may be needed for uploading water quality data, please contact your District Office or Local County Primacy Agency.

Click to hide / show columns: Old PS Code | New PS Code | Facility ID | Sample Point ID | Sample Point Name | Status

Monitoring Schedules for All Sampling Points
Monitoring Schedule for Individual Sampling Points
Old PS Codes New PS Codes Facility ID Sample Point ID Sample Point Name Status
1910045-001 CA1910045_001_001 001 001 QUARTZ HILL WTP - CLEAR WELL - TREATED A
1910045-002 CA1910045_002_002 002 002 QUARTZ HILL WTP - RAW A
1910045-003 CA1910045_003_003 003 003 ACTON PLANT - INFLUENT A
1910045-004 CA1910045_004_004 004 004 ACTON PLANT - TREATED EFFLUENT A
1910045-005 CA1910045_005_005 005 005 EASTSIDE PLANT - INFLUENT A
1910045-006 CA1910045_006_006 006 006 EASTSIDE PLANT - TREATED EFFLUENT A
1910045-007 CA1910045_007_007 007 007 WELL EW-3 A
1910045-008 CA1910045_008_008 008 008 WELL EW-4 A
1910045-009 CA1910045_009_009 009 009 WELL EW-5 A
1910045-010 CA1910045_010_010 010 010 WELL EW-6 A
1910045-011 CA1910045_011_011 011 011 WELL EW-15 A
1910045-012 CA1910045_012_012 012 012 WELL EW-16 A
1910045-013 CA1910045_013_013 013 013 WELL EW-17 A
1910045-014 CA1910045_014_014 014 014 WELL EW-18 A
1910045-015 CA1910045_015_015 015 015 WELL EW-19 A
1910045-016 CA1910045_016_016 016 016 WSSP-2 CLEARWELL #2 A
1910045-017 CA1910045_017_017 017 017 WELL BR-1 A
1910045-018 CA1910045_018_018 018 018 WELL BR-2 A
1910045-019 CA1910045_019_019 019 019 WELL BR-3 A
1910045-020 CA1910045_020_020 020 020 WELL ES-2R A
1910045-021 CA1910045_021_021 021 021 WELL ES-3 A
1910045-022 CA1910045_022_022 022 022 WELL ES-4 A
1910045-023 CA1910045_023_023 023 023 WELL EW-23 A
1910045-024 CA1910045_024_024 024 024 WELL EW-24 A
1910045-025 CA1910045_025_025 025 025 BENCH RANCH WELLFIELD A
1910045-026 CA1910045_026_026 026 026 EASTSIDE WATER BANK A
1910045-027 CA1910045_027_027 027 027 PALMDALE WATER DISTRICT A
1910045-800 CA1910045_DST_800 DST 800 VINCENT ...* A
1910045-801 CA1910045_DST_801 DST 801 LVAV-90T...* A
1910045-802 CA1910045_DST_802 DST 802 110TH/R ...* A
1910045-803 CA1910045_DST_803 DST 803 165TH - ...* A
1910045-804 CA1910045_DST_804 DST 804 5TH/M - ...* A
1910045-LCR CA1910045_DST_LCR DST LCR Lead and Copper Sample Sites ** A
Old PS Codes Old PS Codes Facility ID Sample Point ID Sample Point Name Status
*Please refer to the Stage 2 DBP Monitoring Plan Approval Letter for full sample point names.
**Please use this PS Code for all lead and copper samples.