CA Drinking Water Watch


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Click to hide / show columns: Analyte Number | Analyte Name | Sampling Date | Detected Level | Less Than | RL | Counting Error (+/-) | MCL | DLR | Unit | Lab Sample ID | Lab | ELAP | Method |

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Analyte Number Analyte Name Sampling Date Results Counting Error (+/-) MCL DLR Unit Lab Sample ID Lab ELAP Method
Detected Level Less Than RL
Analyte Number Analyte Name Sampling Date Detected Level Less Than RL Counting Error (+/-) MCL DLR Unit Lab Sample ID Lab ELAP Method

RL – Reporting Level means the level to which the laboratory reported the presence of an analyte. For radionuclides, Reporting Level is the MDA95.

DLR – Detection Limit for purposes of Reporting (DLR) means the designated minimum level at or above which any analytical finding of a contaminant in drinking water resulting from monitoring required under Chapter 15 of Title 22 shall be reported to the State Board (California Code of Regulations Section § 64400.34)

For addtional definitions, please refer to our data dictionary.